Medical cannabis coaching helps bring clarity to which strains of cannabis and which ingredients are best for your medical symptoms. These include strains, terpenes, and flavonoids. The resulting effects on a patient depend on the individual, as well as how you are introducing it into the body, the method you're using to heat it, and the temperature your heating it at.
Sometimes this is difficult for a patient to do on their own. Some strains can help you sleep while others give you energy. Some strains can improve anxiety while others make anxiety worse. What is used for hip pain is different than what you use for neuropathy pain. If you get a combination product with both ingredients what ratio do you need for your medical symptoms?
Medical Cannabis Coaching Service:
We will answer your medical cannabis and health related questions, as well as clarify the science of Terpenes and Cannabis.
Discuss dosing strategies, product choice, routes of administration, possible interactions with other medications, and goals.
We help develop in-depth personal cannabis health plans with dosage and experience monitoring for refinement
Provide any follow up as needed
FREE! Complementary Call – 15 minutes
During this brief, yet very critical period, we will discuss key information about:
your health history
fitness and coaching goals
This will allow us both to find out if we would be a great fit
Cannabis Coaching First Visit:
1 hour cannabis coaching intake by Dr. Thomas Henke D.O.
A comprehensive evaluation of your medical history, goals, cannabis experience, cannabis questions and medications
A post session recaps of Q&A, cannabis product ideas and references
Follow-up Visits:
60 minute comprehensive follow up to reassess wellness plan
30 minute brief follow up just to touch base with a nurse practitioner or certified coach on your team
Choose a Cannabis Coaching Service
Depending on Your Needs
Complementary Call
15 Minutes
Comprehensive Cannabis Coaching
1 hour @ $170
Cannabis Coaching Bundle
45 minute Initial Consultation, 2 - 30 minute minute follow up consultations and texting during regular business hours Mon-thurs for 30 days. 1st appt is 45 min, 2nd & 3rd appts are 30 min and we will schedule that after the 1st call @ $420
Cannabis Coaching 30 minute follow up visit
30 minutes @ $85